For my final major project, I thought of something that I would love to do and be rewarding and able to show in interviews along side my portfolio. As well as this my more recent change in career path has lead my to some ideas for my project, I would like to work in a funeral home doing make up on deceased bodies if they are going to have an open coffin for friends and family to see.
The idea came to me due to the recent death in my family, it was a very difficult time with poor communication and upsetting
circumstances and from this I would like to produce a coffee table style book for people to reflect on,
share and relate with. Within the book the images will be of memories and a recollection of ideas from
family members that leave a lasting image of their loved ones, it would be a book of beauty and life
rather than focuses on the aspects of death that can be often scary or horrific.
Death is something that is rarely spoken about and each and every person has their own memories, thoughts and feelings on the person that has passed away. but as we get old it seems to become a frequent story that comes about, hearing the death of friends or family members. Whatever way it happens it is more personal and
heartbreaking to lose someone, so why not make a book of good memories of peoples loved ones.
Below I have put in my SWOT analysis for the production of the book, taking a look at the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats that could occur during the development and finalising of the book. Doing this
analysis has giving a better way to focus and understand what problems could happen and hopefully
prevent them.
S – A visual portfolio of my work that
Examples of my make up work I can take with me to interview.
Niche market, so don’t have competitors to try and compete with to get ideas seen.
W – Not as easily accessible like the internet and could be bulky to take to interviews
A niche market so nothing as a guide for a target market or the audience that would take interest.
O – Opportunities could be that this project could broaden my ideas
Gives an understanding for going into this area of work, such as a funeral homes, and working with
the sensitivity of peoples feeling after a death.
T – Could be too personal for some people, need to have ethnical clearance
Could be hard to gather the information to create the images due to the sensitivity and personal
S – A visual portfolio of my work that
Examples of my make up work I can take with me to interview.
Niche market, so don’t have competitors to try and compete with to get ideas seen.
W – Not as easily accessible like the internet and could be bulky to take to interviews
A niche market so nothing as a guide for a target market or the audience that would take interest.
O – Opportunities could be that this project could broaden my ideas
Gives an understanding for going into this area of work, such as a funeral homes, and working with
the sensitivity of peoples feeling after a death.
T – Could be too personal for some people, need to have ethnical clearance
Could be hard to gather the information to create the images due to the sensitivity and personal