Sunday, 3 February 2013

Week 1

The first lesson started off explaining and showing the ideas we had initially for our final major project to our designated tutors for the project. I found this useful sharing ideas with others in the group as we could contribute to one another's ideas and give opinions and different areas to research. For me another girl in the group mentioned about a junk shop on the Isle of Man where there are boxes and boxes of things that a woman has collected over time, such as keys, photographs, dolls parts and many other things. This lead on to many different ideas from Chris about putting old photographs, like family portraits and scanning/photographing old objects to put in to break up the different images. Along with the ideas, Chris showed me some of his work using random objects such as dolls heads and dice.

Chris gave positive feedback that my idea of a book on memories is unique and something special for people to look at. I felt very positive from this lesson and talking about the ideas I had, from this I feel I can continue researching and and developing my ideas by looking into photographers and creative inspiration.

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