Friday, 3 May 2013

One week to go....

A week to go before hand in, I went to tutorial to show Chris my book. The feedback I got was good and he was impressed with the outcome and only hand one criticism about how much I had cut out for the tracing pages as it is hard to read the letters that are printed on the page behind it. But he did mention it made the viewer turn the page to then read what was behind it. As well as this he questioned certain parts of the book such as why I chose the effect on the portraits and why they were facing out of the book. I explained my decisions which I am going to probably going to have to do in the presentation.

I also asked about the presentation that we have to do once we have handed in our work, it is only a 20 minute talk explaining our final major project outcome and anything that we are unable to get across from just our handing in our work. Chris mentioned to bring in my other book that I haven't cut out the pages just to show the difference between the two. This next week I am going to finish my evaluation on my project and complete a script and ideas to present in the 20minutes.

Looking back at the last few months it has been rather stressful but exciting experience, from the first few weeks I was very nervous and didn't think it was going to be possible to get this completed but int he last few weeks and leading up to hand in I have enjoyed receiving the book and doing the final touches. I look forward to showing my friends and family the final outcome of the book, especially everyone who helped with their memories. 

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